A tradition for over 40 years, the Evening Flag Ceremony honors an American Veteran
in this moving tribute.

When visiting Cape May, be sure to leave at least one night open to join us for our Evening Flag Ceremony,
which will be held the following dates in 2022:

Memorial Weekend - Saturday @ 7pm
June - Saturdays @ 7pm
July & August - Mondays, Wednesdays & Saturdays @ 7pm
Last Flag Ceremony - Labor Day Weekend Saturday @ 7pm

We are immensely proud of this tradition which has been a staple of our area for over 40 years. All of the flags
that we fly at our mast are veterans' casket flags that families bring with them from their loved one's funeral.
We are honored to fly them here at Sunset Beach. If you have not experienced this emotionally moving tradition,
we invite you to be a participant in this celebration of being an American.